There are those who keep finding themselves arrested for some kind of committed offense. Over time it can prove more detrimental. Many don’t realize how the State of California sets up their guidelines for felonies and often get confused. Whether it’s your first or sixth offense it helps to understand California’s guidelines and how the justice system views felonies. Ajua Bail Bonds will help explain how California has categories or classification of crime and how the punishment is determined and the level of felony charges that are associated with them.
Levels of Punishment for Felonies
Many states look at felonies and the level of punishment, and where California does this as well, they also associate the crime along side them. Ajua Bail Bonds will now break down the different laws and the level of felony that is associated alongside those crimes committed.
White Collar Crime Felonies
The white collar felony or paper crime as they are called includes fraud, bribery, forgery, perjury, identity theft, computer crimes and embezzlement along with a few others. There are felonies that are associated with drugs such as possession, manufacturing, and distributing. Both of these two categories, which fall under the umbrella of white collar crime, are punished with a lower level of felony. This usually leads to a shorter sentence. However, depending on the evidence or how deeply you were involved in the crime your sentence can range from one year to twenty years in prison.
Sex Offender Felonies
Sex offender felonies are a more severe crime that could be committed. Sex felonies involve sexual abuse, illegal possession of pornography, sexual assault and sexual abuse to children. Once again depending on the level of one of these sex offender felonies committed will determine the sentence of the individual.
Violent or Serious Felonies
There is a wide or more generic felony that will fall under the violent or serious felonies such as DUI, grand theft auto involving a fire arm, murder, kidnapping, mayhem, arson and manslaughter. These are considered one of the greater levels of crimes with a greater felony charge associated with them. This can result in a life sentence. Some may look at the DUI and wonder why it has such a harsh level of charge. In California, DUI has a fourth offense charge. This means if you are arrested four times in ten years, the individual can receive a 20 year to life sentence.
California’s Three Strikes Law
The California’s Penal Cord section 667 has a three strike law program. This mean a first time offender will receive a lighter sentence. However those with three strikes regardless of the crime committed will receive harsher charges. In the second strike the person arrested will receive a conviction where the first time offender may get minimal jail time. However the second offence will result in prison although many will receive an early release with good behavior. Additionally, the second strike often results in a double sentence or time. The third strike receives no consideration. The individual is incarcerated for at least twenty five years to life and without the opportunity for parole.
Bail Bonds for Misdemeanor & Felony Charges in Selma & Fresno County, Atwater & Merced County, Visalia & Tulare County, Hanford & Kings County, Madera County and the Central Valley of California
The level of felony is determined in the state of California by two major factors. One being the crime committed, and how many times the individual was prosecuted for the same crime or in some cases, other crimes. In California any crime committed is recorded and can be viewed on their personal record. Ajua Bail Bonds can help post bail for those arrested. We hope we can help provide more time with loved ones and give more time to help prepare a defense until the awaited court date. If you or a loved one needs a bail bond, contact Ajua Bail Bonds today!