One of the hot topics these days around the United States are the areas that are working on legalizing the use of cannabis or marijuana. This substance has been used for a long time to help with some medical conditions but there has been a huge push to approve the use of it for personal use. The state of California has made that same push and now join several other states that have approved and passed legislation to legalize the use of marijuana. Although there are some uses of marijuana that have benefited people with specific ailments such as PTSD, depression and pain control, there are always the naysayers. Marijuana is still a substance like alcohol and opioids that effect the function of the brain. You want to use caution when using any mind altering substance so that you know what your behavior may be and how you will react. You also want to make sure that you understand the laws surrounding the use of marijuana so that you don’t find yourself in trouble.
Ajua Bail Bonds Outlines What You Need to Know About the Legality of Marijuana in California
Can You Go into a Marijuana Dispensary if You are Under 21?: Just like other controlled type of substances there is an age limit on who can possess and use marijuana. You must be 21 years old or older in order to use, possess and purchase marijuana in the state of California. If you are found to have possession of marijuana and you are not of age you can be cited and given a misdemeanor as well as a fine.
How Much Weed Can You Carry in California?: When you go to purchase marijuana you want to make sure you know what amount you are allowed to have at any one time. You can have one ounce of dried marijuana or eight grams of cannabis that has been concentrated. If you have more than that and you are searched by the police you will be arrested or cited for the infraction. This can lead to an arrest on your record and the need to contact a bail company.
Recreational Dispensaries Near Me: The sale of marijuana is also something that is regulated and you need to make sure that you are purchasing from an authorized dealer. If you go to a corner to meet a guy then you should turn and run. There are marijuana distributors that have a store front just like smokes shops and alcohol stores.
Where Can You Smoke Marijuana?: The use of your legally purchased marijuana is also important to know about. You cannot now just head out to the local bar and start up your joint or bong. You are still required to use your marijuana in your private residence. If you are found using it out in public you can be arrested.
Driving While High is Illegal: Lastly you need to know that marijuana although it is legal is still impairing you. That means that if you are pulled over and believed to be under the influence you can and will be arrested. You cannot use any substance that alters your abilities and get behind the wheel.
Bail Bond Services in Selma & Fresno County, Atwater & Merced County, Visalia & Tulare County, Hanford & Kings County, Madera County and the Central Valley of California
Ajua Bail Bonds offers expert bail services if you are arrested in the Central Valley. Contact us to get out of jail fast!