Author Archives: AjuaBailBondsAdmin

Difference Between Theft, Robbery, Larceny & Burglary Charges & Bail Bonds in Madera County, CA

When someone takes something from you and you didn’t give them consent, it is a pretty violating feeling. The severity of the crime differs from one case to another, and there are different classifications including theft, robbery and burglary. Ajua Bail Bonds would like to talk about the difference between these three terms.   Aren’t…

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Signing a Bond for Bail in Hanford & Kings County, CA; What Happens If I Bail Someone Out of Jail & They Miss Court? Jumping AKA Skipping Bail Consequences

When you have a friend or loved one that has been arrested there are many people that will do what they can to get them out. That means that they are willing to work with a bail company to have them released until their court date. This is a great way to allow the inmate…

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How to Bail Someone Out of Jail if You Have No Money in Selma & Fresno County, CA; Signature, Property & Private Bail Bonds

Having a loved one arrested is devastating enough, but its worse when you are unable to meet the cost of bail. However there are three methods of obtaining a bail bond with no to little cost. They are private bail bonds, signature bonds, and property bonds. Ajua Bail Bonds knows it can be a struggle…

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Why Would Someone Be Denied a Bail Bond in Fresno, CA; Risk to Public, Accused of Federal or Severe Crime, Parole or Probation Violation, Non-U.S. Citizen & Flight Risk

For most people the first time they are arrested they are wondering when they can bail out and if they should have maybe bailed out of the situation that got them arrested in the first place a lot sooner. Well there’s some good news and bad news. It is estimated that about 95% of people…

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What is Considered A Simple Assault Charge in Madera County, CA & What is the Punishment?

Getting arrested is nothing enjoyable, especially for things that seem almost trivial. Getting in a heated argument with the other party starts getting physical and you merely defending yourself can still get your arrested on a simple assault charge. Let’s paint the scene. You go to your favorite bar for a little rest and relaxation…

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