What Happens If You Turn Yourself In On a Bench Warrant in Fresno, CA? Have a Lawyer & Bail Bond Company Ready!

If you get alerted that you have a warrant out of your arrest, you are going to need to take care of it. Most of the time the person that has a warrant knows what has transpired to get them in that particular situation. It can be due to any array of infractions or it can be due to a no show to a required court date. The court date is mandatory especially for someone that is out on bail. If you find yourself in a situation that you have a warrant out for your arrest and you need to turn yourself in. This has to be done at the jail to take care of the issues and you should know what you are getting yourself into when you go.

Ajua Bail Bonds Lists What You Can Expect When You Turn Yourself In On An Active Bench Warrant.

Do You Have An Attorney: It is always a great idea to have an attorney when you are dealing with any criminal charges that could lead to jail time. You want to make sure you know what you are getting yourself into and what you can expect with the crime you are being charged with. You also want to have their help to see if there is any way to lessen the charge before you are given a sentence.
Do You Have A Bail Bond Company: If you have an active warrant and you find yourself in a situation that you have to turn yourself in you want to have a few things figured out before you go to the jail. A bail bond company is going to help get the information that you need as well as set up what you need before you can get bailed out. You want to make sure you know exactly what the charge is for when you show up. A bail company can look up the warrant and get that information for you. You also want to know what the bond amount will be and if it is already set. Then you can talk to loved ones about the money that is going to be necessary as well as who will sign for the bail. Are you going to be given a specific jail amount before you can bond out and what amount of time is it? The warrant will have lots of information and the bail company acting on your behalf can get the information you need.
How To Get Bail After You Are Turned In: You have done all the leg work that is necessary before you turn yourself in so the next step is the actual turn in. In Kings County, you can go to the jail and turn yourself in and then the actual process to set up bail can begin. The bail company and your loved ones on the outside will take it from there and you can be out in a minimum amount of time. In Fresno, Madera and Tulare County, you can meet with Ajua Bail Bonds at our office and fill out paperwork to make arrangements for us to take care of the jail and court without you even having to be at the jail in person!

Bail Service as well as Active Bench Warrant Turn Ins in Selma & Fresno County, Atwater & Merced County, Visalia & Tulare County, Hanford & Kings County, Madera County and the Central Valley of California

Ajua Bail Bonds Offers bail bond services to get you and your loved ones out of jail fast! Save our contact information for the day you need it!

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