If you are ever in a position to get a phone call letting you know that someone you love has been arrested you know that it can be stressful. The call that they have been arrested can bring out many questions but there is not a lot that you will be able to get out of the call. The majority of the time the call is short and there is enough time that you can get where they are and some small amount of details. The rest of the information will come when you are able to talk to their attorney. You want to make sure that you know what you are supposed to do. You need to talk to them about being bailed out of jail. Bail is a way that you can get out on a temporary basis so that you can continue to function. The bail is set once your loved one has been seen by a judge. They make the decisions about what the cost will be and when it can be posted. In the meantime or if they are not able to get bailed out you want to do what you can to help them. Ajua Bail Bonds outlines how to help your loved one in jail.
Visiting Someone in Jail
When someone has gone to jail it can be their first time or not. Either way they are now cut off from the rest of the world. The way that they were able to function before being arrested changes drastically. They are told when to eat and when to sleep. The problem is that they also have no way to catch up on the outside world. They do not have any way to talk about what they are going through and that is why it is important to visit as often as you can. When you go to visit you are bringing some love from home to them. You are also letting them talk to you about what they are going through and how they feel. If you have more than a single person that can go out and see them it is better.
Inmate Legal Assistance
When the person has been arrested they are stuck working with a legal representative. This is the way to get ready for the case and work on what they need to know. The problem is that if you are doing this while you are in jail it can be difficult. There is a limited amount of time that you can talk to your lawyer. That is why it is important to have someone that is on the outside that can also get information about the case and help with the case. They can also help to keep you informed.
Put Money in Inmates Account
When you are in jail you do not have your favorite snacks, clothes and toiletries. The jail does not offer this to you and that is why it is important to have someone that can send money to you. There is usually a way to do that so that the jail has the money and the inmate is able to spend it on a store that is set up. That way they can try and get some of the things that they want like food and clothes.
Bail Bond Services & More in Selma & Fresno County, Atwater & Merced, Visalia & Tulare, Hanford & Kings, Madera County and the Central Valley of California
Ajua Bail Bonds can help you navigate the process of being bailed out of jail. Call us today!