Some folks out there have found themselves waiting for a bail bond to go through because they violated a restraining order. Where some may have unintentionally and innocently violated the order, some have violated the order knowingly and willingly. If you have fallen into either category, you may have wondered what the penalties for violating your restraining order actually are. Ajua Bail Bonds will provide a little insight as to California’s laws and penalties for violation of a court ordered restraining order and what you can expect for those who have committed such an offense.
Penalty for Violating a Restraining Order Without Intent
There are a number of situations where a restraining order was violated without intention and sometimes even knowledge. Some examples of this are:
• The violator was unaware that the restraining order was in place.
• The violation was accidentally committed. (This means the violator was unaware of the other person’s presence.)
• The one with the restraining order was confronted by the person who placed the restraining order.
In these cases, if proven, it is easier for the judge to dismiss the case. However no matter how the violation took place, there will be some effort to prove the violator’s innocence. For those found guilty of committing a violation of a restraining order, they could be convicted and thereby face criminal prosecution.
What is a No Contact Order?
A protection and restraining order, or also known as a “no contact order,” sets a physical proximity limit of the individual who requested and was given the restraining order. Additionally, if children are involved, a restraining order can be granted which can keep an abusive spouse away from children and even the home they live in. However, if a restraining was granted unfairly, it can be challenged with a valid reason, accompanied by proof.
Grounds for a Restraining Order
Some of the common reasons why a restraining order is filed against another person can be for domestic or physical violence, emotional or physiological abuse, and/or trauma. Other reasons for a restraining order can also include depletion of assets, or even a violation of patent and trademark infringement. However, patent and trademark infringement is not as common as domestic abuse.
Consequences for Breaking or Violating a Restraining Order
When a restraining order is violated there are penalties put in place which has been set by the State of California. In addition, a person may be facing additional criminal charges beside the violation. For those who are found guilty of violating a protection or restraining order, and if it is the person’s first offense, the person will be charged with a misdemeanor and could have additional fines of up to $1,000 and can spend up to 12 months in jail. If an injury occurred during the violation, the fine can be as high as $2,000 and the violator will spend anywhere from 30 days to 12 months in jail.
Bail Bond Services in Selma & Fresno County, Atwater & Merced County, Visalia & Tulare County, Hanford & Kings County, Madera County and the Central Valley of California
If you have been arrested for violating a restraining order or protection order, you can contact Ajua Bail Bonds. We provide bail bonds for those who have violated a restraining order or protection order. For those who faced an arrest and want more time with friends and family along with time to provide a proper defense, get a bail bond with Ajua Bail Bonds today!