When you are worried about crime in and around your home it may interest you to know that the seasons play a role. The weather is something that often will affect the crimes that are happening for many reasons. Crime and arrests will never be gone but knowing what to expect during the winter or summer months when it comes to crime may help you to know what to look out for. When someone is arrested they are booked at the jail in your area. The crimes that they are charged with are also cataloged and used for research about crime rates and potential spikes in particular areas.
Ajua Bail Bonds Explains What Crimes to Be Concerned About When the Weather Changes
Cold Winter Weather Means A Decrease In Crime: It seems that the weather does have an effect on the amount of crime that occurs. It is not to say that there is no crime at all but the types of crimes may be different and could be less. Research has shown that temperature has an effect on our moods and when we feel depression, anger and stress the more likely it will be that crime will occur. In the winter research has shown that people have less reactions to their emotions. They are usually indoors more and are interacting for the holidays. One type of crime that does not decrease in the winter are auto break ins. The reason could be because people leave the car running to keep it warm.
Crime Rates Are Higher in the Summer: The hot summer months are a different situation and the emotions that people feel are increased by the hot weather. That makes people react more harshly and that can be why the crime gets worst. The other factor is that during the summer months the amount of alcohol that people drink increases. This can be a major factor in a criminal making the decision to break the law. The increase in overall crime could be from the older teens that are out of school and have too much free time.
How to Protect Yourself From Winter Crimes: Be sure that if you want to warm up your car before heading out to work you use caution. People make the mistake of leaving their car running unattended! If the car is warming up you need to be close by keeping an eye on it. If you leave your home for several days on vacation you want to be sure that you have your newspaper and mail held. You don’t want to show that you are not home and have your mail and other deliveries piling up. You can also talk to a friend that lives close by to keep an eye on the house and the activity they can expect. Also be sure to set your alarm system and lighting system accordingly so that the home is protected and looks as if someone could be home.
Bail Bond Services in Selma & Fresno County, Atwater & Merced County, Visalia & Tulare County, Hanford & Kings County, Madera County and the Central Valley of California
If you are arrested during the winter months be sure to call a bail bond company right away. We can help to get you released from jail and back to your house. Ajua Bail Bonds offers bail bond services for arrests in all seasons. Contact us when you or a loved one needs bail.