Signing a Bond for Bail in Merced, CA; Make Payments on Time, Court Appearances & More

No one wants to get a call in the night from someone saying they have been arrested. This can be a frightening call that might send you reeling. The call is not one that will be long and the person that has been arrested may not have a ton of details. If you are the person that they have chosen to call you want to make sure that you are ready to get to work on what they might need. Of course there is a process that they will have to go through just like anyone that has been put into police custody. At some point they will get to see a judge and this is when a bail will be set. That is the point in their stay that they will be allowed to work with a bail bond agency to get released from jail. You want to make sure that if you are the person they call for help you are ready to take on the responsibility. There are several things that you should know and be ready to do if you sign their bail to have them released.

Ajua Bail Bonds Outlines What Happens when You Bail Someone Out of Jail

Know the Bail Stipulations: When someone has been arrested it is under the guise that they have committed an offense that is punishable by law. That does not mean that they are guilty of the charge but they are considered someone that will be prosecuted. You want to make sure that when the person that has been arrested sees the judge they understand the terms of their release. More importantly you need to make sure that you know what the terms of the release are. If you have signed for their release you can be held liable if they do not hold up to their end of the bargain. That is why it is important that you receive a list of the expectations when they are released. You can help to ensure that they are following all the rules. These can be anything from attending classes to not drinking any alcohol. It might be daunting to keep track but it is a good way to protect yourself.
Make Bail Bond Payments on Time: When the person has been arrested and then release they often are given some way to make amends. That means that they will likely have to make payments to the court. You want to make sure that all the payments that are required are made and never late. If they are going to be late it is better to go and make the payment on their behalf to protect your interest.
Don’t Miss Court Dates: The other thing and a very important and should be taken care of is the court dates. The court dates are important for the defendant to show up to. This might mean that you need to give them a ride and sit in the court hearing if necessary. One of the fastest ways to have a warrant issued for your arrest is to miss a court ordered date.

Bail Bond Services & More in Selma & Fresno County, Atwater & Merced, Visalia & Tulare, Hanford & Kings, Madera County and the Central Valley of California

Ajua Bail Bonds offers services to help get your friend or family member out of jail. Call us today to work with one of our agents.

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